August 22, 2008

More Tuffee

Last night, a newly purchased giant cage was delivered to our house. This new cage was bought with both Pebbles and Tuffee in mind. It's even bigger than the normal size dog cages! We're hoping that they'll have more space to run about and still live together :)

Temporary though, Pebbles and Tuffee have been separated. Nuggets had caught a mite infection (possibly from the home he was in previously in as the vet suspects). And Pebbles had help Nuggets settle in when he first came, remember? And as a precautionary measure, we decided to separate all the bunnies. So now, Tuffee is the smallest bunny living in the biggest cage! Hehe. It's a pretty cute sight! We have all definitely grown attached to Tuffee :)

The following are pictures of Tuffee in her new gigantic cage!

Here's Paris greeting Tuffee

View more of Tuffee's images here!

August 20, 2008

Say 'Hello' Everyone!

Meet Tuffee! She's our latest family member :)
Pronouced Tuff-Fee

You could also say that Tuffee was a pleasant surprise after searching so long for a sister to keep Pebbles company!

We weren't expecting to get another netherland dwarf so soon, and Tuffee just came to our attention! Just like that! If it has to be anything, it is our fate to meet Tuffee and her destiny to be part of our family :)

Here are more photos of Tuffee

Pebbles has yet again been assigned to help settle down our new baby
Pebbles is really protective of Tuffee, it's so sweet!

Learn more about Tuffee at Our Lovely Pets

You can also see more photos of Tuffee at Tuffee's Image Gallery

Happy Mid-Week!